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Can anyone tell me some names of shonen ai/yaoi anime/manga? Arigato........
-- Anonymous, April 20, 2003
FAKE, BRONZE, Zetsuai, .... shonen ai
-- Anonymous, April 20, 2003
Well, the most popular and only one I know of is Gravitation. It's kinda weird though . . . demo na, try it.
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2003
do ya know some sites to download those yaoi?
-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003
Arigato?i know your trying to say thanks,but thats the first i heard in japenese!
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003
hmmm gotta try demon diary only #1 is out now but its good. being a person who can only take so much gayness in reading i recommend demon diary for a lighter read i know some out there are just chock full of yaoi action but that stuff's not for me though...
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003