Where are Medabots Episodes located at?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Where are Full Medabots Episodes located at? If you have an answer or not, tell me.
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2003
Hey! Medabot eps huh... huh.. cant find em at all.. if someone has one ep in the net, he's gonna have so much traffic!ME TOO ALSO LOOKING FOR MEDABOT EPS
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2003
Am also searching for medabots episodes n if anyone knows where i can find them can you tell me plz..i will swap info if you need it PLZ
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003
Maybe you should try buying the videos. You know, do something legal for a change. The only reason we have anime in countries other than Japan is because people purchase it. You start downloading episodes, and the companies in your native country don't get any money for the series that they're bringing to you. No money = POOF! No show. Buy the videos; they aren't expensive. Medabots has lost a lot of popularity, so you can pick up even the DVDs for cheap.
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003