How many .Hack series are there?> : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

How many are there? i know about .hack//sign and .hack//legend of twilight's bracelet, but how many are there and are there a certain order to be watching them? also, where can i dl them? thanks for all the help.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003


First comes .hack//SIGN, then .hack//LIMINALITY and and the games (1 of 4 is out in the US, 2 is slated for May 6th). They take place six months after .hack//SIGN. 2 years later (I think) comes .hack//LOTB, also called .hack//DUSK. There is also a book called .hack//AI BUSTER, but it is only in Japanese and, as far as I've heard, isn't coming to the US anytime soon.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003

Yes, AI Buster is the prequal to the .hack// saga.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003 will help.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2003

Theres a .hack//gift, which is the episode 27 of .hack//sign, that shows the whole incident in Mimiru's POV.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2003

yep.there sure is a 27.dothack for dummies says so.its an aftermath really.its called .hack//another story.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003

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