chao anh em chong cong (nguyen tat thanh cua tuong lai) : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread

Chao tat ca anh em, toi cam thay rat vui ki nhan duoc dien dan nay, co the noi cong san cung nhu ban phan dong cam quyen o Viet Nam da va dang kim ham su tien bo cua day nuoc VIet Nam cua chung ta, thay mat cho kieu bao ta o trong nuoc cung nhu o nuoc ngoai toi rat muon thong qua dien dan nay duoc noi len y kien cua dai da so nhan dan Viet Nam muon thay doi che do thay doi chinh quyen de dua nuoc Viet Nam ngay cang giau manh hon, to dep hon, toi mong duoc ket noi voi cac thanh vien dang o nuoc ngoai, dac biet la My, Anh , Phap co dieu kien ve nhieu mat de thanh lap mot dang chinh thuc o Viet Nam nham dua Viet Nam ve voi con duong chinh nghia cua the gioi , cua My da vach ra ma may chuc nam truoc nuoc My chua lam xong! Hay lien lac voi toi theo dia chi mail

-- dadaovn (, January 08, 2003

------------------------------ "dua nuoc Viet Nam ngay cang giau manh hon, to dep hon,>>>bom , chet choc, chien tranh<<<< toi mong duoc ket noi voi cac thanh vien dang o nuoc ngoai, dac biet la My, Anh , Phap" <= ban mong muon dan ta suong sung hon bang con duong muon suc manh nuoc ngoai do ha khac gi bat ca don toc cho* doi 1 ngay 30-4 nua ha. _Nhung toi chac chan la ban ko muon duoc ai dau , nhu* toi da noi o tren ko co loi ich kinh te cac cuong quoc ko di xam luoc dau, co`n neu ban hoi tai sao My lai "giup" Ngodinhdiem dung len Nam VN thi loi tra loi My ko muon mat not vung Dong nam A vao tay Lien xo thoi , chu* tra phai vi may chu TU DO hay NHAN QUYEN ma My di bo hang ti dolla va hang tram nghin linh vao VN dau.

Vay khong phai la VN da het cach , ma that ra chung ta dang thay doi , cai chu CS chi con la cai vo ( kinh te VN dang la kinh te thi truong, triet CS ko co kinh te ca the ), kinh te VN dang fat trien vao 1 trong nhung nuoc co nen kinh te phat trien nhanh nhat du` con ngheo nhu8ng dieu do chung to su* co gang cua nhung nguoi cam quyen. Chung ta chua co chinh quyen da dang nhung hy vong 1 ngay gan nhat chung ta co duoc no( noi vay ko fai la chi ngoi do chap tay nguyen cau cho no toi , ca trieu nguoi trong nuoc co ca nhung can bo cao cap co gang la`m dieu do do ). Thay doi ca 1 the che cua 1 quoc gia dieu do ko phai la lam trong 1 som 1 chieu va cung ko fai la 1 viec cua 1 nhom nguoi , no dong cham den quyen loi, loi ich va ngay ca nguy hiem den rat nhieu nguoi . Chung ta hy vong su* tre hoa cua doi ngu lanh dao , su* van minh cua xa hoi qua nen kinh te hoi nhap va su* hieu biet tang dan cua nguoi dan chung ta se co duoc ngay do trong tuong lai gan.

Toi noi nhung dieu nay co le se co ban cho toi la an com Cs nhung hoan toan ko . Toi dang lam thue tai 1 nuoc Tu*Ban va hy vong se danh dum duoc chut tien de ve nuoc lam 1 cai gi do ,tat nhien la toi ve nuoc de lam cho toi chu* cha lam cho ai hay cho dan toc VN nhu*ng tuy la lam cho toi nhung no co tac dong tot cho kinh te VN du` chi nho nhu* giot nuoc (khoang vai nghin giot nuoc hay 1 trieu hat nuoc cung lam tran bat pho* VN do )Va neu toi lam duoc dieu do thi cung da thay co ich chut dinh doi voi dan toc toi roi .

-- thanhtruc (, April 24, 2003


Chao cac ban ! Minh hoc dh o HCM. Minh cung ko thich gi tu tuong CSVN . Hien nay minh nghe noi dan toc o DAKLAK dang bieu tinh, ko biet co dung ko nua . minh ko biet hoi ai moi hoi cac ban.

-- Tuan (, April 11, 2004.

Ethnic Minorities Protest in Vietnam

Saturday April 10, 2004 1:01 PM


Associated Press Writer

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - Ethnic minority villagers protested Saturday in Vietnam's troubled Central Highlands province of Daklak, the site of mass demonstrations over religion and land issues three years ago, police and government officials said.

Authorities blocked the villagers, also known as Montagnards, from entering the provincial capital city of Buon Ma Thuot, a local government official said on condition of anonymity.

``Authorities are trying to persuade them to go back to their villages,'' he said.

Police officers joined the government officials in trying to contain the crowd, a local policeman said. He declined to estimate the number of protesters, saying only that it was ``not a very big crowd'' and that they were peaceful.

New York-based Human Rights Watch said Saturday it had received reports of a government crackdown on Montagnards intensifying over the past two weeks, with police surrounding villages and searching nearby coffee plantations - sometimes with dogs - for those who may be hiding.

``We've been documenting ongoing crackdowns, and they have become increasingly more repressive,'' a representative of the group said on condition of anonymity.

The government official said the protesters were demanding religious and land rights, and accused a U.S.-based group of instigating the protests.

The U.S.-based Montagnard Foundation was founded by former members of a group of anti-communist Montagnard fighters allied with the United States during the Vietnam War.

In February 2001, thousands of members of several ethnic minority groups flooded the streets of Buon Ma Thuot and Pleiku, the capital of neighboring Gia Lai province, to protest the loss of their ancestral lands and restrictions on their Protestant faith.

The Central Highlands are Vietnam's major coffee-growing region, and the government has steadily displaced thousands of ethnic minority villagers in order to use the land for coffee plantations.

Vietnam sent hundreds of military troops and riot police to quell those protests. The crackdown spurred an exodus of thousands into neighboring Cambodia, where they sought refugee protection from the United Nations.

Nearly 1,000 were accepted for political asylum in the United States. Human rights groups assert that more than 70 people were jailed in Vietnam for helping organize the protests.

The Central Highlands area has remained sealed off to foreign observers, including the United Nations refugee agency and international media.

International rights groups say Vietnam has continued persecution of ethnic villagers, including Protestant church leaders, land rights advocates, and people suspected of having helped asylum seekers flee into neighboring Cambodia.

Over the past month, at least 46 Montagnards have sought asylum in Cambodia at the office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, which has placed them under protection.

Cambodia criticized U.N. agency for taking the action without its approval.

The UNHCR ``are doing things covertly to prevent us from knowing what they are doing. They are not cooperating with us ... and not respecting sovereignty of our authorities,'' Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak said.

Authorities will increase vigilance along the border with Vietnam to thwart any attempts by Montagnards to enter Cambodia during the next week's Khmer New Year holiday, said Police Chief Reach Samnang in northeastern Mondul Kiri province.,1280,-3961954,00.html category=1104&slug=Vietnam%20Ethnic%20Unrest

-- (, April 11, 2004.

Than chao cac ban tren dien dan chong cong san.toi la mot nguoi lam kinh te tai vn thong qua dien dan nay toi muon nhan nhu tat ca kieu bao hai ngoai.dung bao giup dat nuoc viet nam bat cu thu gi trong luc nay. boi cao uy vien tro nhan dao lien hiep quoc giao cho cong san viet nam tren ba ngan ty dong vn ve cai goi la von cho nguoi ngheo vay .nhung bon cs tu trung uong den dia phuong dung so tien do cho nhung nguoi goi la can bo vay ma thoi .con nhung nguoi ngheo qua thi khong the vay duoc (loi nhan nhu trong nam 2003 ba ty usd cua tat ca kieu bao gui ve cho gia dinh hay be ban hoac kinh doanh thua lo. so tien do da chay vao cai tui khong day cua bon cs hut mau).dat nuoc vn hom nay khong co tri thuc nao phuc vu cho bon chung ca. do la dieu khan thiet nhat den voi cac vi cao nien va gioi tre hai ngoai. 28 nam qua viet nam cong hoa ra di la mot mat mat lon cho dan toc, ta thu so sanh mot dat nuoc han quoc hom nay,ho dang tren duong tro thanh mot sieu cuong quoc con dat nuoc viet nam thi tham o vuot qua tam dao duc con nguoi nhu ly quang dieu thu tuong cau singapuar cac ban oi hay nhin nhan mot su that dau long nay ma khong ai trong chung ta muon ca. toi viet may dong chu nay gui den cung cac ban va rat mong su hoi am nhiet tinh cua nhung nguoi dong canh ngo nhu chung ta MOT NGUOI SONG O SAI GON MAY_CAO1604@YAHOO.COM HAY LIEN LAC VOI TOI DE TRAO DOI TIN TUC NHA CAC BAN : MAY CAO 40T

-- pham may cao (, April 19, 2004.

Visit Link msg_id=00CJEQ !

-- Ho Chi minh Dam tac (, August 19, 2004.

Đất nước ta c̣n nghèo, nên nhân dân ta phải cố gắng đấu tranh để chống giai cấp - giai cấp nào nữa đây ? Nhân dân ta cần phải cần kiệm - thắt lưng buộc bụng gần 30 năm qua chưa đủ sao ? Khắc phục, nuốt nhục hoài cho đến bao giờ mới hết vận bỉ đây ?!!

Thế mà đảng và các cấp , các cán ta có phải là 1 giai cấp mới thay cho cái bọn gọi là 'địa chủ, cường hào ác bá...' không ? Cái bọn và bè lũ phá hoại, chúng nó có cần kiệm, chí công vô tư không ? Hay chúng nó chỉ vô tư thản nhiên ăn trên đầu trên cổ người dân nghèo cùn mạt đất.

Dân VN nghèo sau 30 năm chiến tranh là chuyện hiển nhiên (1945- 1975), nhưng gần 29 năm qua (1975-2004), dân VN c̣n nghèo trong khi đảng CSVN th́ trở thành những đứa giàu 'nứt khố đổ vách'. Nghe cả là một sự nghịch lư, thế nhưng kẻ cắp th́ ăn tục phét lác c̣n bà già th́ là những bà mẹ VN th́ cắn răng ốm cái thúng mủn chạy gạo để nuôi bầy con dân Việt nheo nhóc.

-- Long Quan (, August 20, 2004.

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