It's NOT the REAL Michael Jackson : LUSENET : Michael Jackson : One Thread |
Just to let you guys know. I'm sure that Peter Pan email address is a fake. As is the "Michael Jackson" that comes to this site. I wouldn't take it the real MJ responding. So don't worry guys. He's not that mean. The real MJ wouldn't say those things.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003
HAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHA dream on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003
Guys puhlease! It aint him......... I emailed that peterpan thing and the mjjneverland thing......He never wrote back!~!~!~!~ M.J. Loves his fans and would never say anything to hurt them you should have figured that out by now!~@!~@ Plus I am going to Marry him......
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003
maybe it's him cuz he acts just like Michael.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003