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I just got bit torrent and i have a bunch of sites to download from. Since i have 56k it doesnt go that fast. Can you resume a download to finish later?
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003
Yeah, you can stop anytime and continue later. The only problem is that if you wait too long to resume the number of seeds will go down to zero and you'll have to bed for someone to reseed it before you can resume.
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003
So what do i do? Just click on the torrent link on a website to continue it?
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003
You go to the torrent link, and it will say to save somewhere, there you click on the original file(the incomplete file) and the dl screen will show up and say checkin file and then it will resume.
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003
Yeah! that is what you have to do to resume your dl you just save it over the old one and it will resume.
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003
o thats good. cool
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003