Hajime No Ippo

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Ok, I need a place where i can d/l hajime No ippo episodes. Please feel free to email me, I am really desperate to view some of these episodes

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2003


Bittorrent, bittorrent, bittorrent. Go to a.scarywater.net/infusion for episodes 1-17 and a.scarywater.net/akeep for 18-22. You then have to switch to P2P, either Kazaa or irc or one of the others, for 23-34. Check #infusion at aniverse and other places. You can then get 35-57 from the same infusion place. Episode 58 came out recently but it's not on bittorrent yet, get it from irc. If you don't know how to use irc, it's in your own interest to learn a.s.a.p. Hope this helps!

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2003

I am working on ippo torrents 23-34 and have about 4 up so far http://bittorentdir.coolfreepage.com/

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2003

Great! That should really help those people looking for the gap episodes. If it helps, I saw a bot at #infusion on aniverse with the soldats (!!!) episodes 23-34. Or at least I think I did...

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2003

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