I just downloaded the chrono trigger ova

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It sucked i thought. I loved the games, the ova was horrible. I wasted over 100 megabytes to download a 16 minute short film. atleast i know who the nunamonja is.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003



-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

Do u have the game for PSX or EMU?

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

i have the game for snes(real not rom) and for psx. but the ova has nothing to do with the game

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

never knew about the ova existing.

can u tell me whats its about?

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

That was one of the dumbest show i've ever seen...it had nothing to do with the game...I don't play the game, but i've watched my brother play it...but i too agree with you about the fact that i wasted 100 meg.bytes on it...it sucked so much...why the heck did they make it for?????

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2003

Yeah, the OAV is pretty stupid. It does not have any of the characters from the game in it except for about half a second. It basically follows the adventures of that blue Nu/Mu guy and some white creature at the Millennial Fair. I did laugh a couple of times, but was mostly disappointed in it.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003

Actually almost all the monsters you see were in the game.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2003

I was disappointed because the quality was so low and our main characters hardly appeared, but I found it quite interesting trying to identify each monster and where they appeared in the game. Plus they play the Gato song over and over again, which is good because it's one of my favourites. Worth a shot if you have the time and space, just don't expect too much.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2003

I'm currently downloading it on Kazaa Lite, but the people uploading it there have a hidiously slow connection speed. Can any of you guys share the file on Kazaa Lite for awhile so I can download it faster? Thanks for any help you can provide.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2003

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