Piece Suggestions for Studentsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread |
1. I need to know what you would suggest for a 12 year old intermediate student who has been playing for 6 months. The student has just learned Bach's Eigth and First invention in a month's time.
-- Donnie Robinson (Dystord2@lycos.com), May 11, 2003
Wow! Six months of playing and ready to learn Bach's invention! You might have a future concert pianist under your hand. Anyone else who have had such fast learning students?Anyway, try something like Beethoven Sonata Op. 49 No. 2. Or look into the Encore books.
-- Lisa (no_name_poster@yahoo.com), May 12, 2003.
Wow is right! Check into Keith Snell's books published by Kjos. There are books of individual composers, and also books divided into levels and eras (1-10 graded similarly to Royal Conservatory and Baroque/Classical and Romantic/20thC). He can be playing Bach, Scarlatti, Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, and I won't even start with the Romantic and 20th C stuff--too much to list! Lucky you!
-- anon (noname_poster@yahoo.com), June 14, 2003.