Info needed on Aquarian Wall : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm considering doing the Aquarian Wall on El Cap, but can't find any info. Does anyone have any beta on things like difficulty, rack (how many pins), bivy ledges, strategy, general impressions?

Thanks - Jeff Widen

-- Jeff Widen (, May 12, 2003


Did Aquarian back in 82 so my memory is'nt to fresh...the first night we slept on an awsome ledge 3 pitches (I think) above Timbuktu and we missed the next ledge at belay 17 by a pitch on the second. I remember pitch 13 "Corral Corner" as being dirty, I was muddy by time I got done. We had a lot of angles with us, but with hybrid aliens you probably don't need them. We fixed to belay 4 (I think 3 ropes) and blasted in 3 days.

-- Jean De Lataillade (, June 16, 2003.

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