How many Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex episodes? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I would really appreciate if someone could tell me how many Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex episodes exist. I've only found around 14 on Kazaa and WinMx, but I donīt know if there are more. Please answer me. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2003


26. They are still being subbed.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2003

Actually, No one can sub them if they don't exist! They are still under production in japan. They are relaeased 2 episodes at a time, as a Pay Per View Package. The month of May held the first broadcast of Episode 15 and 16. I am assuming some fansubber is working on it as I type. One can read of the production in progress at The release schedule is as follows. May: 16: Machine Desirantes and Episode -another Tachikoma episode 16: The gap of the heart (Ag20) - Batou Rocks the house June: 17: The truth of the unfinished Love Romance (Angels' Share) - The Major and Aramaki play the prisoner's game 18: Duet of Assasination (Lost Heritage) - All about the man Aramaki

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2003

well actually, they already finished the production.. after 4 years..

they're just being released really slowly - something, like 2 eps/month...

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003

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