What is art deco?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
What is art deco? Give an example of art deco
-- Danielle Neville (Dannie_909@yahoo.com), May 15, 2003
I am Art Deco!!!
-- David Inclema (Dwrestler112@aol.com), May 20, 2003.
http://artantiques.allinfo-about.com/weekly/features/artdeco.html I found this link helpful.
-- krystn (yourstruly@krystn.com), June 14, 2003.
A perfect example of art deco would be the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings in Manhattan. Also Radio City Music Hall and Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan are perfect examples. As far as clothing and personal style go early examples would be Josephine Baker and Clara Bow. A later example would be Jean Harlow.
-- M. Marshall (petaler2003@yahoo.com), October 30, 2003.
The answer is quite basic...Art Deco is taking Art Nouveau and changing it using geometric and symetrical lines...in the case of Erte's work, the mixing of the geometric with the flourish of Art Nouveau became what we call Art Deco to this day...
-- Charles Marano (flamingokid2004@aol.com), September 26, 2004.
I am sorry to let you know that art deco and art nouveau are essentially opposites. Both movements/ aesthetic styles are extravagant and full of flourish but that is where the comparisons end.
-- christina n. (lumin77@hotmail.com), February 21, 2005.