card captor sakura, or inuyashas second movie, torrent download : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hi, does anybody knows where i can find all card captor sakura episodes via torrent, or the second inuyasha movie, about the glass clastle or somenthing like that.

please i am desperete. where i live you cant find any anime, only thru internet or downloads

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2003


I don't think this would help much but do you buy anime online? You can buy the episodes from or something. It kind of depends what they have in stock. I have another solution thought. Have you every heard of a movie store called Suncoast? Well, its a place for movies and I am quite sure they have all the CCS episdoes on VHS or DVD but the dvd part is in Japanese, and the VHS is maybe in English. Hope I answer your questions, or at least partly. Bye. ^_^

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2003

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