I had an abortion 3 years ago

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I had an abortion three years ago and I don't know what to do. I feel so guilty, but I'm afraid to confess to a priest. I can't bring myself to say the words aloud. I feel so bad and don't know what to do. Will God forgive me? Should I tell a priest? Please help me.

-- Nebhet (drareg_20@hotmail.com), May 20, 2003


yes, by all means confess and be absolved of your sin.

even abortion is forgivable by God for those who have a contrite heart, and God will welcome you back into His church. confession and penance will give your soul the healing and forgiveness that it needs. it is difficult to do because it is what is right. the right path is never easy, but it is an obvious path that we must choose, despite the difficulty

-- paul (dontsendmemail@notanaddress.com), May 20, 2003.

Project Rachel is the Catholic Church's healing ministry to those who have been involved in abortion.

-- Mark (aujus_1066@yahoo.com), May 20, 2003.

You poor girl, God will forgive you, and one of his priests will forgive you.

I recommend that you make an appointment with a priest in your diocese that you know who is very holy. Maybe ask around to find out. Confess to that priest after talking to him.

That sin involves an automatic excommunication, so you cannot receive the sacraments like confession, and that's why I think you have to discuss this issue outside of the confessional first.

I will pray for you. Be strong about this, as God wants you to be happy, so have confidence in that. God bless.

-- Gordon (gvink@yahoo.com), May 20, 2003.

Don't worry about the excommunication; it is automatically lifted when you go to confession.

Look here for more details.

-- Mark (aujus_1066@yahoo.com), May 20, 2003.

That is a very good page by Fr. Bloom, Mark. I'm sure that it will help Nebhet a lot (especially linking her with "Priests for Life").
Also, all Catholics should know that an automatic excommunication does not occur unless the person who commits the sin knows that excommunication is a penalty for it (and chooses to sin anyway).
Praying for you, Nebhet! John

-- J. F. Gecik (jfgecik@hotmail.com), May 20, 2003.

The gravest sin is not abortion.

The gravest sin is to reject God's gift of mercy and forgiveness.

Even Judas could have been forgiven, but chose instead despair and suicide.

Peter denied Christ three times! Yet, he implored God's mercy and forgiveness.

And these were two of Christ's first priests! (Not to mention, our first pope!)

God did forgive Peter, who sought forgiveness. God will forgive you also, but you must seek His forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. God waits, longs for you there. You will feel so wonderful once your burdens of sin are laid there and left behind.

You will find great support and compassion among most pro-lifers also. We always pray for the victims of abortion, both the mother and the child.

-- Anna<>< (Flower@youknow.com), May 21, 2003.

Nebhet, My wife and I have just recently approached this topic. I am afraid that the abortion has led to our divorce and many health problems for my wife. The guilt that you are feeling can and will tear you apart if you don't seak and find the salvation which is yours. Remember that this will be a very hard journey but one that you can make it through. You don't have to start with a priest, but you should talk to someone. My wife who is not a Catholic went through a group called P.A.C.E. The way I understand it is that they are very much like project Rachel except for the fact that they are a non-denominational bible study group. Her strugle is not completely over but she has made tremendous progress. I can tell you that she waited 20 years and it just about killed her.(literaly) Don't do this to your self. Get help somewhere and get it soon. There were women in the group that had never married, no children and no life. Only the guilt, which can be relieved. You will learn to forgive yourself and only then can you believe that God and others can and do forgive you as well. What you are going through has a name. Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, and it is real and very debilitating. Take the first step and make a phone call or vissit and get the help you need. I will be praying for you. Signed, The father of an aborted child

PACE 512-374-0055 PS I called my wife and she said you could contact her. She would love to help. E-mail me for more contacts if you would like.

-- mickey (mikem37@austin.rr.com), May 22, 2003.


I can tell you this, My soon to be sister in law just had an abortion of my brother's and her child...It emotionally killed her...She felt so guilty about it and has until this day still not even told her parents of the pregnacy...I do know this....Her family is VERY religious...I am not sure if she has went to church to repent, but I do know based on my Cathechism teachings that you can repent and get forgiven by the Lord in the sacrament of confession....Be happy, dont beat yourself up...Peace and God Bless

-- Don (Dollarbill1981@yahoo.com), May 24, 2003.


I'll echo everything that's been said already. Yes, please go to a priest for confession. God forgives everyone who is contrite and willing to accept His mercy and forgiveness.

-- Fr. Michael Skrocki, JCL (abounamike@aol.com), May 24, 2003.

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