Should I feel ashamed? : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hi, I was reading a book about poverty in central america and it got me thinking. I got a little home theater at my house and I consider buying a motorcycle. I live in a luxury compared to really poor people but I am poor compared to very rich people... Sould I feel ashame that I do not sell everything that is not essential for my life and give that money to poor people? I know that almost nobody does that but it just seems wrong in a way to be in luxury while other die of hunger.

thanks for your response and excuse my english, I am from Quebec

-- Alexis Demers-Marcil (, May 21, 2003


Response to Should I feel ashame?


your plight is admirable... it is something that many will come to struggle with in their lifetime. i wouldnt advise selling all of your non essentials, although giving to charity in the future certainly couldnt hurt. it is not a sin to have an entertainment center, although it might be to have a motorcycle (just a joke).

you certainly cannot cure all the worlds ailments, but your desire to help is what is important in the eyes of God. just as we cannot make ourselves worthy through the works that we do, we are still to do works of charity.

if you would like to take a vow of poverty then I'm sure God would be pleased. but i'm sure God would also be pleased for you to give some to charity, to visit the sick in the hospital, to minister to those in prison, to feed the hungry at a shelter, and to comfort the elderly in convalescent homes.

may God guide you in your search for the nature of charity.

-- paul (, May 21, 2003.

Response to Should I feel ashame?

Hi Alexis.

Paul's words are good. Here are mine.

What would happend if you had a good look at all of your stuff and find a way to use it in way that God would want you to use it?

Your motorcycle can actually save you tons of fuel cost as you use it to go to Church or deliver to those in need. Entertainment centers are perfect for listening to gospel and religious movies, you know. In other words, all things and actions for the purpose of fulfilling to the glory of God. If it doesn't fit this purpose, maybe it isn't worth worrying about and you might even consider losing it.

Just thought I'd mention it.


-- rod (, May 21, 2003.

Response to Should I feel ashame?

thanks rod,

thats another aspect of charity and conservation i forgot to note.

-- paul (, May 22, 2003.

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