Direct connect hub? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
ummm I just downloaded direct connect and to connect i need a hub can someone give me one... (sry if i sound stupid, i dont really know how it works) Thanks!
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
I have a question, when you conect to a hub, how do you connect a person that you are trying to get stuff from? (...*thinks* i hope that makes sense it sounded better in my head) i click on the person but it just goes to que and it stays there... what do i do?
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
okay nevermind i pretty much figured it out (stupid me there's that little public button). But i think io can help you Fire, once you connected to a hub go to that search bar and type what your looking for then once its dun ... *thinks* don? da d.... see if anybody has slots free or something like that.
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
*DONE !!!!!! *clears throught* okay.... ~my brain hurts~
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
I put in my searches but nothing comes up...
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
Thats probably because ur behind a firewall or some other thing, i dont remember, but go to the options thing and go to passive mode.
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
o ic! YAY!!!! thanks!
-- Anonymous, May 21, 2003
Try connecting to small little hub, but high standards
-- Anonymous, May 22, 2003