.hack//sign music - end of episode 14

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What's the music that's playing at the end of episode 14? I know it's a variation on "The World", but I don't know the exact title, or what OST it's in.


-- Anonymous, May 22, 2003


thats one of my favorite songs in .hack//SIGN!though i forgot what it was called.ill find it soon and ill keep ya posted.:)

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

it could be "End of the world" from the second .Hack//SIGN soundtrack. I have both of the soundtracks of .Hack//SIGN the first and the second all of the songs from both if you remember e-mail me what it is and i will send it 2 you if not do you know how it goes if there are any words of just sounds that will help a little.

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003

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