His and her's Circumstance

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does any1 know what His and her's Circumstance is about? please tell me =O)

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2003


It's one of the best animes ever, about a girl and a boy discovering about themselves. If you like romance, but you also like drama, this is the right anime. Everything that happens to them, everybody has passed it someday or will pass, because this anime is the human nature. Family problems, friends problems, relashionship problems, many laughts, some tears. It is known as Karekano too, you can find all episodes on Kazaa, there are just 26 of them. My advice for you is: download 4 of them and watch. In the first probably you will find strange, but I'm sure that you'll like ;) André

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2003

is there nudity in them??

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2003

no, no porn its a very funny and romanice anime no porn

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2003

oo good cuz i wanted to get it & i'm only 14 & my mom won't let me get anything w/ porn or nudity =O)

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

Lala, You can take this anime for sure that I'm sure that your mon will like that you are watching this. With 14 years, this anime is perfect for you. Trust me, ask your mon to wacth the fisrt 4 episodes with you. I Garantee that there isn't any nudity, just the beautifull story from the character and all their problems. If you want, contact me on my e-mail to talk about it, I love this anime, andreztole@hotmail.com Another beautiful anime that you would like for sure is Fruits Basket (26 epsidoes you can find on Kazaa), another wonderful story about a girl that is discovering that beuaty of friendship and about herself, there isn't nudity in this too. You can watch without disobey your mon. ;) André

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

Warning for Lala. Don't watch #18 with your mom. I'd tell ya why but it would spoil part of the story. Don't worry, no nudity. It's one of my all time favorits. I hope you get to see it^-^

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

You shouldn't use Kazaa, it's filled with adware and spyware and it's not that hard to get a virus. But if you must use Kazaa, I suggest switching to Kazaa Lite. Since it's clean of adware and spyware (that's what I've read anyway) and it doesn't have any commercial banners or anything. You may already be using Kazaa Lite and you may already have Ad-aware (it removes the adware- and adware isn't good for your computer), but I'm going to say it anyway. Do not use Kazaa at all, I'd recommend Direct-Connect or Bit Torrent.

some useful links: Direct Connect: http://www.neo-modus.com/ Bit Torrent: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/ Ad-Aware: http://download.com.com/3000-2144-10186632.html?tag=lst-0-1 Kazaa Lite: http://doa2.host.sk/

Hope I've been helpful in any way.

oh, if you want info on adware, spyware and such go here: http://www.adware.info/

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003

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