~~~What are some good aime download sites????

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Where can i find sites to download scryed, vandred, and gundam seed? cuz i knw that animesuki is down..thx

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2003


Yes anime suki is down, but all anime suki did was, for the most part, connect you to another web site that had the actual torrent, they didnt host it themselves, so even if anime suki is down, the torrent is still out there, for gundam seed you need to go to anime junkies, they have up to 32, and for scryed and vandred if you remeber the web site or the fansub group you can try to search on the internet, you could also try a search on downloadanime.org, or noated.com.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003

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