Looking for Espresso Cart and Machines

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

Okay, here is the deal. I'm looking at getting into the espresso/catering business. I cannot afford to buy equipment or a lease payment at this time. I know this sounds fishy, but what I'm looking for is someone who would be willing to loan me the equipment for a while until I could get my business up and running. I realize this sounds very risky, but I also know that there has got to be people out there sitting on thounsands of dollars worth of equipment and cannot sell it. I am not looking for free equipment,just someone willing to take a chance on me until I can get my business up and running. I work full time for a very well respected company. I would be willing to sign or have a lawyer draw up a contract between us so that you would feel comfortable and know that we are both protected.

Please let me know if you are interested in talking to me about this further. Email me your number to seeplus@seanet.com and I will call you back. Thanks!


-- Don (seeplus@seanet.com), May 26, 2003


How much do you need to start you furture? please let me know.new or used cart?

-- Rhonda R (Ilovemydane@aol.com), June 05, 2003.

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