Weird how SUB and DUB animes...... : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Its weird how you get used to stuff... I like anime in japanese cause in the dub version they leave stuff out and change things around. The only thing i can stand to watch in dub is cowboy bebop, I watched knockin on heavens door in sub and it was still good but, but other animes that i started watching in sub and i watch the in dub really piss me off. Like Inuyasha on cartoon network, OK HAS ANYONE NOTICED THAT THEY KEEP CALLING KIKYO, KIKIYO?! and they are pronounceing other names weird too. THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF! my cuz watches inuyasha in dub and everytime she talks about it she keeps calling KIKYO, KIKIYO! AND I KNOW ITS FROM THE DUB VERSION! *breaths* meet my pet peive I CANT STAND IT WHEN SOMEONE CANT PRONOUCE A NAME RIGHT! lol! and dont get me started on other animes like ranma dub << my fav anime sub though =) I'd talk about fushigi yugi on the international channel but it way far ahead of me and i dont like being ripped from the story line, so... but im rambling.... ok um bye.

~ Remember its Kikyo! not KIKIYO! .... sigh

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003


You're right the Inuyasha dub really really really sucks. Not only do they not pronounce the names correctly, they also couldn't voice act to save their lives. They sound like Ben Stein on a somewhat emotional day. Oh well, only my opinion. ^_^

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003

You're right, though, Cowboy Bebop has an excellent dub. I actually think that this is a very rare case in which the dub is better structured than the subbed. Maybe it's just cause CBBB has a uniquely western theme (western as in western hemisphere, not wild west). ^________^

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003

dubbed stuff allways sucks but at least we get anime id rather have dubbed sucky anime than no anime at all.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003

i dont like dubs either but maybe you prononce kikyo, kikiyo cuz when they say it in the japenese eps it sounds like they say kikiyo

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003

Actually, it is Kikyou (pronounced Ki kyou). The "ky" part of the word is supposed to blend together. However, this can prove to be a little difficult for most native English speakers to pronouce. A prime example of this is the word "Tokyo". Most English speaking people pronounce it with three sylables as "To ki yo". However if you pay close attention to a Japanese person they will say it "To kyo". In other words only two sylables. So when speaking Japanese always remember to blend the two letters "ky" when you see them side by side in a word. ^_^

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003

I like to watch Gundam Wing In Dub. For some strange reason, I don't think it looks akward, and after listening to the dialogue in Dubbed Eps and reading the Subs in Subbed eps of GW, I have to see they didn't do a bad job translating either. I'm satisfied with it, but for some reason, Even though they are athere, I don't download Dubbed episodes of NGE or Hack Sign. Those just look weird and sound worse.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2003

Hellsing is about the only dub that I like... In fact, the English voice actors are so much better. Though I must admit that I haven't seen Cowboy Bebop without subs.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2003

I dont mind dubs at all, i know there is some bad ones but most of the releases from madman are pretty decent. i dont take itto heart like all you's seem to when they pronounce things wrong, i like subs or dubs but dubs just save all the reading like what you get with the subs too busy reading to see whats going on :D I Dont get inuyasha on cartoon network down here in good old aust, i would like to watch the dubs though because i havent watched inuyasha i just heard alot of good things about the show. If anyone knows where i can download the dubs let me no :) thanks

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

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