COSPLAY : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Why is it always the fat ugly ass old white anime fans that cosplay and make people sick....y can't there be any hot ass asian chicks and handsome males cosplay??? --if anyone knows anylinks to some good looking cosplayers link me up..........sorry if i offened any of u ugly old white cosplayers

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2003


Dude that is kind of harsh. Maybe there seems like there's a lot of em cause they're so noticable? I don't know which cons you've been to, but most of em seem to have a lot of Asian girls cosplaying. Here's a link to a convention in Japan.

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2003

:-P 515 I'm Faye. And, I really don't think I'm fat... all though I may be white... I still had fun cosplaying! *grins* I just wish my hair looked better in this pic... hehe

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003

Floating around some Suncoast Video Stores is a DVD called "Cosplay". It's a japanese documentary about cosplay (did you expect anything else given the title?)

It's only like $15...but it's rare. I had to wait about 7 months to get it. If you want, I could try to rip it and put it up on BitTorrent...

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

it's true,cosplay just dont work for girls without asian blood. it's a fact.

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003

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