Which Gundam Characters are on drugs?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Everyone knows that there are many Gundam characters who are addicted to some serious drugs. Let's see ... From G Gundam there is Chibodee Crocket, George De Sand, Sai Saici, Allenby Beardsly, Wong, Master Asia (Toho Fuhai), and Kyoji Kasshu. From Gundam Wing, I think that Duo, Trowa, Trieze, and Quatre are all on drugs. These are just some examples, so who else from any of the Gundam series do you think is addicted to drugs?The examples that I mentioned above are only my opinion, but in case you have any questions, you can post them in this thread, and I will hopefully answer them.
One more thing: it is OK to post ANYTHING you want in this thread, since America is a free country. The only thing that I would not like you to post is anything insulting me.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003
yes, it's ok to post anything uninsulting, especially when it lacks support and explanation.
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003
kind of a weird post tho
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003
*cough* sarcasm *cough*
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003
NEVER question my question!
-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003
more relevant question, which ones aren't on drugs
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2003
Alright, either question is fine.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003
Okay, I think the proper question is WHICH drugs are the gundam wing chars on. Like, Duo probably smokes pot, but Trowa is definitely snorting meth or coke (or both) I mean, where does he get the energy for all of his little twisty jump things? Quatre seems like too much of a square to do drugs, but he IS rich, so he probably does coke (which must explain why Trowa befriendes him, since he probably doesn't make that much in the circus). Relena doesn't do drugs, but she will probably turn out an alcoholic or something...and Wufei and Heero are too tight assed, but I think they all got a good LSD feel in the Zero System, and Heero seems to have got hooked.
-- Anonymous, June 14, 2003
Ok yah but what drugs are the G Gundam characters on? Ok yah Chibodee most likely smokes weed and drinks too much. But why George De Sand he is so a strait dude. Alenby more than likely shoots heroine. You can tell by how she acts. And GOD only knows what Master Asia does.Kyoji has to do PCP. They all need a good counciler and a good year in rehab.
-- Anonymous, June 24, 2003
George drinks massive doses of alcohol, and that's why he acts weird.
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003
I was under the impression that Heero was genetically created by the haters of OZ. However, mentally they trained him to be a lethal killing machine with the heart of a boy. I am not positive on this, but I dont think Heero is on anything. He is just really depressed and wants to die the majority of the time for his actions against people. I know he is doing it for peace, but I think it would wear on anyone and drive them mentally over the edge. So...*grin* I take it back....that boy is on something! *laugh* Maybe the OZ haters have some chemical implant device that releases a drug into his system when he is under a High Stress situation?.....maybe.
-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003
Yea Sai is on some sirrous speed Chiboddie is on pot
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003
Yea Sai is on some sirrous speed Chiboddie is on pot and chib allways seems a bit tipsy
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003