Name of the railroad line thru Unadilla,Ga. : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone remember which railroad ran north and south thru Unadilla, Ga. during the mid forties. This is just south of Macon, Ga. As a early teenager I caught the train there one night headed south to Tampa, Fla. I have never forgot the station agent standing on the track with his red lantern flagging the train as it came around the curve north of Unadilla and the engineers answering whistle. After that I always wanted to work on the railroad which I did for the A.C.L.

-- Charles Cleveland (, June 06, 2003


Unadilla is located on the former G,S&F (Georgia, Southern and Florida) Line which ran Macon to Palatka Florida. It became part of the Southern Railway System, now Norfolk Southern. Unadilla is located at MP43.9 from Macon. This line still sees heavy traffic to and from Jacksonville. Connections were made at Palatka with the ACL RR.

-- william jones (, June 07, 2003.

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