Can't play anime AVI : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm having trouble playing AVIs for anime on my computer. The sound plays perfectly fine, but the picture is moving way too slow that the picture plays about 10-20 seconds slow against the sound. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003


its prolly just your computer haha

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003

Are you trying to use Windows Media Player? I've had that problem when I try to play some AVIs in Media Player. If you have the divx palyer on your computer try using that to play the shows instead. That sloved my problem. ^_^

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003

Try using Winamp(!!!) to play it. I had a similar problem using other media player but I can play it without any problem using Winamp (Surprise!!) and i don know why.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

I think that the avi is divx avi format not a normal avi (common format for downloaded anime avi). It plays best in divx player if you set the player correctly. With the highest settings for the best picture quality, I recommend a system with 1Ghz+ processor and 128MB+ RAM. Download your player from divx website. You can still play the avi with the lowest settings on a low performance system (ie below 500MHz).

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

The problem with that is that the windows media player does not have all of the plugins and directory resources for DVD or DiVX encoding until you have a dvd program installed and then it will give you a choice to use the program or to run WMP using the codecs from that player. Most times I just let the actual DVD or DiVX player do its job and watch it from there... the quality is a bit better without the program always having to catch up . Best of luck

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003 this site has a lot of information on how to get the video codecs, which you need to play the files

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2003

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