Where can I download an AMV maker by http?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I have ideas for a couple of anime music videos, but I still need a making program. My Kazaa doesn't work, neither does DC++, so I need a http site to download some video/audio editing program.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2003
Hi Hi!If you're a beginner, the program I suggest is called Video Edit Magic...just do a search for it on yahoo and it'll come up with a bunch of download sites. You can also find the crack for it on yahoo as well. I'm a beginner at editing and I found it really easy to use. I'm sure there are more advanced programs out there but I'm still having fun with this one :D Hope that helps!
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2003
Thank you so much! Now I can make my first own AMV, which is a Love Hina thingy with a Finnish song and English subtitles, because the song just fits the series perfectly.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003