Help me with BitTorrent : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Yesterday I downloaded hunter x hunter volume 6-10 with BitTorrent on Toriyamaworld, but it said the download would take about 20 hrs. What should I do to increase the speed? (I'm using a 56K-modem, but everytime I connect to the internet the computer says the speed is 115,2 kbps)

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003


The best thing to do is just leave the download box open for 20 hours, but then again u have modem and that would tie up a phone line. Best thing i can say is sux to be you, cable is so much better. and T1 would be better than that, too bad i dont have it :(

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

Even on my old, 28K modem I used to have connection speed of 115, 2kb/s. It is the maximal speed of serial ports and has very little to do with overall download/upload speed AFAIK.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2003

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