YuYu Hakusho >>> Hei and Kurama pic

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Yo! ok i know all you hear about hiei and kurama being gay... Me and my cuz are trying to find a pic of the two of them together, if you know what i mean... (we are not sick just curious) so if you seen one tell me plz.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003


you could always just watch yu yu hakusho on tv.i mean you see them together there.see what you think!

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003

yes, but we wont be able to see what we are looking for there....

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003

search for one on google...

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003

go onto google and search-"yu yu hakusho" yaoi- yaoi is gay in jap. and i just want to say that they ARE NOT gay! good grief!

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003

Go to this website: http://victorian.fortunecity.com/louvre/463/evidence.htm all of those pics are 'offical' (just if you were wondering) ^__~

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

I think I know what types of pics you mean.. I have a few comics and pics with that. If you want me too I could send them to you! E-mail me or IM me: KrazyKenshin03 I'll send'm if you want'm

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

hey about those comic would u minds sinding me the page b/c i wana see b/c alot of ppl talk about it but iv never realy seen any u can e-mail me r my sn is CLeJ16

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

Haha, this always happens. xD

No, Kurama and Hiei are not gay. Hiei is pretty much a loner by choice, and Kurama is...well, Kurama. They are old comrades, I suppose you'd call them, but they're not intimately close like that. You will find some contradictory pictures I'm sure, but then again, same thing has happened in almost every anime, where the creators make shoujo-ai or shounen-ai looking images. (shoujo/shounen-ai = girl/guy-friendship type thing). The only female in the entire show Hiei has any (not necessarily romantic) history with is Mukuro, and she's more of a mentor than anything else it seems.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003

Hiei is not gay at all the creators of the show do stupid things to maybe make it seem that way but over all he dislikes everyone except his own flesh and blood.So will you stop making fun of him!!!!!!!!!! I mean GOD can't he be friends with anyone.Big deal Kurama is calm all the time because he is an animal demon animals are usually calm! DUHHHHH!!!!!So stop being stupid!!Hiei and Kurama,together,PUH THAT IS JUST REDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So stop the curiousity!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2003

o.O no need for vehemence, m'dear.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

Look i know people write and draw stuff that say Kurama and Hiei have been...well...together...but they haven't I mean seriously Hiei IS a loner and Kurama being a youko well...whatever I know they arent gay and anyone who says otherwise have no idea what they are talking about...

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

They are NOT guy and remember that.....i collect alot of pictures of them and i have one where kurama has his arm around hiei's head (kinda) well anyways if you want that one and this other one i have email me and tell me ya do...AND THEY ARE NOT GUY!

-- Anonymous, June 24, 2003

its probably just me priestess kikyo,but did you mean to say *Gay* or *Guy*.just asking. ;)

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

go to http://victorian.fortunecity.com/louvre.463/index.htm

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003

Hiei and Kurama are not gay! For one, Hiei gets married at the end of the series! Geez. And Kurama's mother teaches him love, so he would not be gay and dishonor his family! I for one think Kurama and Hiei are the coolest characters on YYH. Besides, YYH is on Toonami on Cartoon Network, NOT Adult Swim, and they would not have gay people on Toonami.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

Im with Krystal Rose. Kurama and Hiei are just friends.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

As I know and found out Hiei had a girlfriend around the time he met Kurama. If want a pic like that only prevs make them so go talk to one ok!!!

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

Ya. You guys are right. Hiei and Kurama are not guy. Poeple just thinks that because they are so close. They are just best friends. Besides, Hiei isn't into love. He was put in the show to embarass Kuwabara in front of Yukina. (that's my opinion). Kurama is just a soft, calm guy who had a hard life in the pass, He's trying to catch up on his life, That't it. SO BUZZ OF!!

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003


-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003

Well, heres what i think about Kurama and Hiei, Yes, they are really good friends, they are partners. and No i dont believe iether of them fall in love with a girl. And about Kurama, to whom i LOVE TO DEATH, in his past, his had alot of male....uhh...mates....and not mates as in friend. Hiei, i dont like him to much, but his okay, only two people get to see his TRUE emotions in the show Yukina and Kurama. I dont think that they would taking it any further then friend ship (though i wish they would, they make the BEST couple in the show) anyways, at the end of the show, when Hiei gos off to be Murukos heir, he gives Kurama something that means ALOT to him, a tear gem neckoles, but for some reason Kurama gives it back(im not sure why, i havent seen the whole show through, i havent seen past, where Kurama says his going to fight Karasu, im a real big fan, i do research!).....okay, to make this all clear(if its not all ready)

Hiei- has a soft spot for Kurama, and he MAY think of him as a little more then a friend(hint.hint-Its rare to see them apart, and guys are not like girls, they dont CONSTAINTLY hang around each other)

Kurama-I do believe Kurama has some what of a crush on Hiei, Kurama is a caring guy, but he seems more caring to Hiei, and yes i know that there friends, but So are him and Yusuke, him and Kuwabara, and yes i know Hiei and Kurama haven known each other longer, but, just because youve known some one longer then someone else, doesnt really mean anything (really, i had a BEST friend since i was three years old, and ten years later, she doesnt even remember my name)

Okay, i think thats what im trying to say......hmmm.....something like that anyways....O-and i have a friend, who, when she found out people thought Kurama and Hiei liked each other, she stopped liking Hiei, people like that are stupid, it shouldnt matter who you love, and as for Kurama, ill saport him no matter what!!!.....Hieis another story......he could jump off a bridg.....and id die laughing.....so.....i dont much like Hiei......

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2003

what do you mean hiei is gay!? I look up to Hiei! He's strong and has practicaly no weaknesses! If I could be like that I would! I have even broken my self the habbit of crying, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! Now that I've given myself away, I DON'T CARE IF HE IS GAY, I STILL LOVE HIM! okay, I LOVE HIEI! If he were real and asked me to go out with him I WOULD! By the way if you go to The otaku.com( don't space though)there are all different pictures of him and Kurama, one even when their hugging! Do you have any good pictures of Hiei, I've been looking all over for some,so If you know wear some are or have any E- mail me PLEASE!

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

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