Anyone Use a GL2? : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I work at an advertising agency in New York City and am looking for some help on a print campaign that we are thinking about developing. This is what we're looking for:

a) Someone who has recently used a GL2 on a documentary or film production and is willing to share his/her comments and experience with us - sort of like a testimonial.

b) If the piece you filmed received awards or press release, it would be great if you could forward that to us.

Please feel free to contact me at 212-261-4210 with any questions, comments or ideas.

Thanks, Jonathan Guilfoile

-- Jonathan (, June 13, 2003


From this part of the world, a few kilometers from ythe equater, yes i have used canon GL2 and the perfomance (quality of both video and audio) is excellent. The problem is condensation and I have tried to put it away for a week with the door (Its cassette compartment open) but it would role for a few minutes then it would "order" me to eject the cassete. I'am confused cause I have invested heavily. Any way to help?

-- Ahmed Salehe Simba (, March 07, 2004.

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