confused about Catholic ceremony with a child out of wedlock : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Both my fiance and I were both raised catholic up to confirmation, We have been out of the church since then I attend church for all Holidays as well as my fiance. We just had a baby and are not married we really want to get married but have been told by his mother that in order to get married in the church I cannot have a wedding gown that is white or any sort of train. we also cannot have any one else in our wedding party on top of that we are allowed only family to attend. Is this True?? Please help me understand the catholic marriage ceremony in our cituation. We need all the help we can get.

Thank you! Andrea

-- andrea dubuc (daisygr;, June 13, 2003


Response to confused about catholic ceremony with a child out of wedlock

Dear Andrea,

No, this is not true. There are no such rules. Talk to your priest about arranging your wedding.

-- Paul (, June 13, 2003.

Response to confused about catholic ceremony with a child out of wedlock

your mother is speaking of rumored former practices dating back to the middle ages, nothing that applies today. big paul is right.

little paul

-- paul (, June 14, 2003.

Response to confused about catholic ceremony with a child out of wedlock

They're right.

-- xavier zigler (, June 14, 2003.

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