marriage in another country : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

My fiance and I are thinking of getting married in the mayan riviera. We are both catholic. We were wondering if we had a civil marriage on the beach (that is the only kind of marriage they will perform), could we have a blessing from a catholic priest when we got back to Canada and would the catholic church recognize our marriage. We are trying to find a catholic church near the resort so that we can have both ceremonies but we would like to know all of our options just in case. Thanks for your help.

P. Jackson

-- paul jackson (, June 14, 2003


May I ask, Paul, would you not consider being married in your local Catholic church and then going on honeymoon to the Mayan Rivera (wherever that is!?

God bless


-- Sara (, June 14, 2003.

In most dioceses you have to get married in a church. Now this is not always that case but in most it is. The best way to find the info that you are looking for is to check with you local priest. You might have to have two ceremonies. But it all depends.

-- Scott (, June 14, 2003.

Odd running into you like this. I was hunting for the same info! :-)

-- D. Onslow (, June 18, 2003.

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