Wut do u do when you find the inu yasha episodes......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I know bout the site that is in German or wut ever other language but when u get there and get the episodes the status is online does any one no wut to do so u can watch them off line?

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2003


ehmm? generally you must download it,but when it says, its offline, you can't dl it because the episode isn't on the server yet,so you must wait 'till the webmastress put it on again ^^

an the site is in GERMAN!!!!!!!


-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003

Online usually means that it is available for download, not that you can only watch it online. If it said offline it would mean its not available for download.

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003

You have to watch out for that online and offline crap. They'll do that to you. In some cases if it says offline it means its not online and you can't dl it. But, on one site I know it says offline on a bunch of episodes and parts of the movie, but you can still dl. So, if you do see an offline sign, check the icon and the link.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

I need to know the address for that site. Can you PLEASE send it to me! I have only seen a few episodes and i'd like to watch some more! pleasepleaseplease send them to me!!! Please?...?


-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

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