Mahoromatic ending SUCKs! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anybody have any opinion on that anime's ending.(i thing the ending sucks as hell.)

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2003


I'm guessing you're talking about the end of season 2. Personally, I thought the ending was great. I preferred the bitter sweet quality of it over the incredibly happy(or the polar opposite) ending that it could have been. Y'know the kind that leaves very little room for discussion. I know a lot of people have a problem with some of the unanswered questions presented towards the end, but it didn't bother me as there never really was a focus on really explaining the backstory. Specific to the major "question" in episode 14 I thought it was nice to have to come up with my own explanation. I don't know how "active" this board is, but if someone wants to go into this topic with further, spoiler loaded, detail I'll gladly do so.

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2003

was a sad ending =\

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

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