Where can i find these episodes?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hey does anyone know where i can download Rurouni Kenshin episodes from 13 and on, also Inuyasha from 15 and on,Ninja Scroll episode 6 and on, and also Dragonball GT episodes all of them?also if they are in good quality, so if u know can u plz help me out and i have sum few episodes of Rurouni,Inuyasha, and Ninja Scroll, so if u need em i can tell u which ones i have so i can send em, i also have high speed internet so i can upload them faster, so jus tell where i can find these episodes and i can help u also in sum episodes. thanx alot, peace out.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003


You could watch the episodes at this address http://www.dbznoreturn.com/main.php?page=episodes but they have changed their website I am waiting for the new site that they are going to put out.The other choice is that you can use bittorent or p2p file sharing programs

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

oh alright thanx, yea i do use kazaa but usually they go from high speeds to low i get them from 1kbs up 150kbs n it goes up n down so it usually takes a lil while for them to download, i guess ill stik wit kazaa rite now then, thanx.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2003

hey you could go to http://www.inuyashazone.de/downloads/ some of these dont work. but there are a lot of inu yasha episodes here 1- 110 and yes they have english subs. some don't work but if you come back later they do so don't give up. when you go to the site click on parent directory at the top and then you'll go to the real site. scroll down on your left side and click on episoden. and there you go pick what episodes yo want. they're not that great quality but i think 2 minutes of downloading the episode on this page beats the week of download in kazaa, even if you have high speed internet. if you want to talk to me you'll have to post on here because like i said i don't have and e-mail address. hope i helped some.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003

iight thanx vanessa, yea i noticed tha quality is kinda bad, but itll do 4 a while

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2003

anything to help a fellow lover of inu yasha. oh, remember that they don't always work but come back later because they always go on and off. never give up on them.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

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