What happens to darian/tuxedo mask on sailor moon!!!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I saw a song video clip and it was about sailor moon and there was like a guy that transformed into a girl and then could transform back into a guy and what hapens to tuxedo mask I mean wasn't he sailor moons boyfriend!!!!Some one please e-mail me back my e-mail addess is righ below!!!
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003
Well, you probably discovered an episode of the Star season (the 5th and last one). The guy who turns into a girl is Seiya who is in the same time Sailor Star Fighter. For the 5th season, Seiya is going to have an important place in Usagi's life, and their relationship is kind of ambiguous. Seiya falls in love with Usagi and always protects her. As for Tuxedo mask, he only appears in the first and last episodes of the season. He flies to the States for his last year of studies, but disappears at the very beginning.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003
he turend into the moonlight knite at one point,either that or sarina got mad and threw him out...
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003
if it *is* stars you saw, which is most likely... Darien is in the USA studying at a college or something... well, at least that's what Usagi/Serena/Sailor Moon thinks.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003