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I didn't really see the final movies, so I'm sort of confused. Can someone please answer my questions? Is Asuka still crazy in the end? Is she dead? Is Shinji dead? Are there manga adaptaions of the two movies with english translation scans I could download off the internet?

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2003


Ok this is a spolier so anyone that sees this and doesn't want to this isn't my falt........in The episode Series Everyones Dead (At Least thats how it Apears to me) and on the Movie called End of Evangelion CLose to the end everyones dead except for shinji and he gets kinda to decide the fate of Mankind and like the idoit he is he just wishes Asuka back.....then it ends .......so i think bascially they are trying to remake all mankind or something

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2003

i thought Asuka lived too

i know Shinji was choking her, but i didnt think he choked her long ebough to kill her

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

Well One Time Theres a Thing Were It Shows Asuka And Shinji in the Kitchen and Shinji Starts Joking But thats just him thinking,* but at the very end of Evangelion The movie she talks after Shinji almmost kills her and she moves. so im very sure she lived

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

well u never see her die, cos the rei dolls never reach her, and unit 2 is killed, not her. as for shinji, i think he was getting revenge for what happened in the kitchen (earlier in the movie)

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

i thought the kitchen part was in his imagenation. of what he was thinking about

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

i thought it was part of when they all merge in the lcl and they try and help each other solve their problems - but asuka was basically getting revenge for him having a wank next to her and for him depending on her so much (fails to make him into a man)

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

dont forget its shinji's choice for mankind to stay as lcl or to return to human form - which means that everything that happens in his mind must be when he's in the lcl.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

wait i found out the truth - asuka was getting revenge cos shinji depended on her too much, and would ultimately use her and hurt her, whhich is she obviously didnt want, so she tells him in the cruelest way possible.

-- Anonymous, June 24, 2003

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