The answer to every downloading question can probably be found on KaZaa Lite. Not KaZaa, KaZaa is crap. Look for KaZaa-Lite people. Check for it on Hopefully this will stop most of the 'WHERE CAN I FIND _______?!?!?!' topics, or at least reduce them some.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003


DUde, everybody already knows u can get all the anime on kaaza they don't want to though because it's to slow they want direct links which for some anime is impossible laterz

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

wat oh well never mind well everyone knows about kazaa idiot we arent stupid(well atleast some of use) but u can also use WinMX but it has les and less virius but i hate that to AND I LIKE USING CAPS TOO!!! WHOOOOOOO CAPS........CAPS........CAPS......SPAM.....SPAM......CAPS.... tee-hee ^_^

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

It's a nice effort, but I doubt it will work. Most of the people making the posts lack patience, or refuse to use anything that requires them to download a program first. They don't want to wait for an episode to download off of a p2p, or they don't like the size of the files on p2p. In other words, something's always wrong no matter how hard you try. So what does that leave one to do? Well you can do one of two things, try against all odds to convince the people (which is about as good as having an arguement with the wall most of the time), or just grin and bear it. If people truely want the anime that badly, they will eventually see the truth in your words, but I doubt they will use your wisdom the first time they hear it.

So I say to you, have patience with those who have none. Try to show them the errors of their ways, and in time your work will be rewarded. ^_^

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

The problem with p2p programs like KaZaa Lite is often you find no one sharing the older animes i'm looking for. Have you ever thought of that.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003 - web extension of a kdx file server, if we or someone on our server doesnt have what you're lookin for, its probably really friggin hard to get, we're no bs, the software download is less than 200k, from the time you visit the link, to the time you're downloading off of the server, is less than 5 minutes, if theres anything in specific you're looking for, email me, message me on the server, or drop me a line on our message board, i'll help you find it, or find someone that can. peace out guys.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

Aye me...I try to give good advice and my head gets bitten off. *Ohohohoho*

Kirara, Kenshin - you're saints.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

*bows down before Kenshin Himura* So it's kinda like FTP. It's interesting to know there's others out there sharing stuff as well.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2003

Is there a way for me to connect under a firewall? Please help! Thanks in advance!

-- Anonymous, June 24, 2003

Everybody seems so bad tempered....I still think kazaa is useful sometimes, actually you can get all inu yasha episodes up till now. Slow program? yeah it is, but it's ok, she was just trying to help people who don't know, which is quite admirable!!!

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2003

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