looking for Hatleys

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

Looking for info on Tilman Hatley, Rufus Hatley. Rufus apparently died in Mecklenburg Co. but I have no other info.

-- Judy Hasson (PLHASSON@charter.net), June 23, 2003


In addition to Tilman Hatley and Rufus Hatley...looking for Guilford Hatley.

-- judyhasson (PLHASSON@charter.net), July 28, 2003.

Judy, Please give me some dates for these three names you are looking for. There are two Guilford Hatleys, four or five Tillmon, Tilman Hatleys and I didn't count how many named Rufus. I will try to help you if I can.

-- Lina Boyd (linajaneboyd@hotmail.com), August 04, 2003.

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