weiss kreuz in stores?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

do they sell weiss kreuz in stores because i was in best buy the other day and i didnt even see a trace of weiss kreuz. is it sold in stores and if so which ones?

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003


Ok, I'm not positive about this, but I _believe_ I saw it in Frye's Electronics in Dallas, TX, when I visited there in early June (for A- KON 14 *YAY!!*).

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003

all the way in TX! im in CT! lol

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003

Its called Knight Hunters in the US. Bestbuy carries it (in tx, sorry) and so does suncoast. A long shot maybe circuit city.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

why would they change the name?

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

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