What are mangas?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Wut are mangas, exactly?
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003
comics just comics that what it manga means comics plan and simple
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003
-- Anonymous, June 26, 2003
...*Cries* ;__;
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003
why r u cryin?
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003
MANGA`S ARE COMICS NO NOT LIKE MARVEL COMICS BUT LIKE MOST OF THEM are japanese translated to english most manga`s have an anime to it too (its just so sad u don`t know what they are ;;)
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003
she is new to anime. how would she know what they were?
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003
In general, manga are japanese comics or comic books Most manga books start a anime show (they are created first and then become a show) But not all manga books are the startings to anime shows ok? what i typed is now confusing to me! >^^<
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003