whats the best peer to peer program right now since kazaa is out of buisness

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does any one know what the program is to download music and anime and anime music video's so tell me as soon as possible

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003


Try WinMX, it is just like Kazaa where you download music, pictures, videos, etc.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

I didn`t know kazaa was out of bussiness does that mean they gonna close the site??? cause thats like about the only think I know how to use to download though it may be slow plus I am using it right now

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

I love bearshare. I use it for music but it can be used for anime. You can find a shit load of eps. for RK, Inu, and many other shows. Its not worth using it with a super slow connection.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

What the hell do you mean KaZaA is out of business?

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

Try imesh

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

They cant possibly shut it down. Its not situated in 1 place, and its almost entirely dependant on users to keep it running. Its liek.... like trying to kill an idea. Besides, go to the site. Its still up.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

Kazaa isn't out of buisness yet, in fact they keep trying to shut kazaa down, but they haven't succeedd yet.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

It is very easy to shut down Kazaa. There are ways to do it. There are.

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

KaZaA is peer to peer, shutting it down is lke shutting down all business deals in the world. He's right, they've tried but havent come close. (Thought of a better analogy before i went to bed ;))

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2003

The only way they can shut down kazaa is to find everyone who is uploading stuff to other people and shut them down. Fortunatly, doing such an act would violate many laws and privacy rights, and if they ever did acomplish that, it would be easy to start right up again anyway. Knowing that they can't shut down everyone who helps kazaa is problably why that senator wanted to try another meathod, insted of trying to shut down the people, turn the media being downloaded into a virus so anyone who downloaded it will be affected. Of course this violate laws as well, and therefore will problably never happen either. ...I seem to be writing a lot today. Its just because I have free time to kill before my night class.

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2003

Hey Guys, for the last decision in these days, nobody of us is going to be protect by privacy law. Kazaa it can be close for various reasons, the only real peer to peer was WinMx, but now is impossible to use it, file with wrong name, and incredible queue. It's hard war now!

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2003

Hey Guys, for the last decision in these days, nobody of us is going to be protect by privacy law. Kazaa it can be close for various reasons, the only real peer to peer was WinMx, but now is impossible to use it, file with wrong name, and incredible queue. It's hard war now!

-- andy (veniceman@hotmail.com), July 05, 2003.

if it can be closed for so many damm reasons then why hasn't it yet anyways we have all been hearing about this shit for way too long why even worry about it since it would be pretty damm hard to shut it down because even if its like outlawed people will do it simply because if yu restrict somone from something they will want it more

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2003

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