all naruto......... : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

hi!!! I heard about this anime naruto , but I cant find downloads about it. If you know where I can download episodes,movies, games please let me know 10x !!!

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

Answers is a good site to start lookin for anime( that includes Naruto too). About games and other stuff and They're pretty updated so don't give up when the site isn't active, just try later again. Have fun!

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

Since is currently down, another good site for Naruto is If a file has 0 seeds then u can try to see if I'm online and I'll send em to u(I would prefer u try TW first tho cause I'm a leecher at heart =P)

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

oops, forgot to put AIM: YamiShinta93

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

Um.. Lesse, I have the Naruto soundtrack with the entire thing ripped... do you have the MP3s? If not, email me. I'll email 'em to you. Episodes? No Idea if you don't want P2P programs. I use Kazaa and my cable modem ^^'' Movies and games. Now that's a BIG no idea. sorry. I'm no help ~_~

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2003

OK first get a bittorrent at then go to the way top where the selection bar is and dowload the bittorrent. After downloading go to and happy downloading!! and aslo when your addicted to naruto after you see it go to to see when the next naruto episode will air in japan give them a couple days like 3-5 days max. unless therz another show in japan on the same day so they can't air it until the next week then that will sometimes take a week. Don't worry about it if it takes along time then each friday or wednesday or thursday. If it isn't airing on the week don't worry about it all of us Naruto fans were all worrying but it was just that a show was on the same day and time as naruto but the naruto people let the other anime studio air ther anime. So don't sweat it!!

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2003

Can someone email me the naruto soundtrack mp3s :)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

you are all gay so stfu about where to download naruto, and use some common sense by serching on web browser

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003

they have lots of translated naruto manga here: http://user.cs.tu-

does someone know where to get the harmonia mp3? (sending them to me'd be nice...)...just wondering...

oh, and gladiator flem, if this is so gay, then why're you even here?

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

I've been downloading the episodes with irc. Animeone, anbuDOM and toriyama's world are fansubbing them, but I've also found the episodes on a couple of sites. <--episodes and a couple mp3s <--episodes

I don't think there are any naruto movies yet, but there is a special (crimson of the four leaf clover) also available on irc.

For a naruto game go to, and do a search under the rom zone for naruto (username=amardu, password=thai). You need a gba emulator to play the naruto game, which you can get here

Hope that helps ^_^

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003

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