HIKARU NO GO IMPORT ANIME SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hey, i've noticed a lot of you guys are into Hikaru no Go. Well i was just surfing the web and found a site www.animeniacs.com and they are selling the Hikaru no Go imports for a very very cheap price (on sale for like $5 or something). Remember to read the reviews to make sure the import version is decent. O.. don't worry about it being a bootleg or something because i've shopped here before and they are okay. I just suggest using Paypal method of payment. Well just letting the community know it is out there for a cheap price!
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003
AH... you'll find them in the clearance section!
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003