Where can I get ONE PIECE ANIMEgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Can you tell me where I can get ONE PIECE? PLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZ CAUSEI GOT 42 and now it takes like couple of months to download one
episode so can you plz help me?
-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003
Where are you downloading them from? It shouldn't be that slow. Try MIRC. Go to #kaizoku-fansubs on irc.mircx.com
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2003
are you sure that will workj and I dont know what to do
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003
there's an episode 52 in here: http://www.fangirlfriday.org/downloads.php
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
Thank you very much if there is more can you tell me?
-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003