Sg Lalang anyone? : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread

Anyone ever ridden it? Trail entrance is near Tekala fish ponds.

I heard it's quite a nice ride.

-- james (, July 08, 2003


Check out this and this. Nice trail that goes to a waterfall. I'd like to do it, but my cycling curfew will only be lifted on the 16th of this month.

-- Joe (, July 08, 2003.

Rode it last week but turned back at the 14km mark. Saw no fork in the road that would point to a waterfall.

The trail did not have fallen treres across it. It looked well travelled and maintained. The mudholes are very rideable as they have hard bottoms.

Feel like doing PCC's Sg Liang Ride, Raub, at the end of July?

Otherwise, you (with a few friends) could do a day trip. 22 km one way from main road. 16km from estate office, accessible by 4wd.

-- james (, July 08, 2003.


Sounds tempting, but it's unlikely I'll be able to make it as the juggling various of commitments requires more dexterity that I have. What's more, I need to start on some easy trails first, after my long lay-off. I'll call you some time, got a few trail "projects" that I have in mind which I'd like to do before the monsoon comes round again.


-- Joe (, July 09, 2003.

Hah! Make it a daytrip then. Get Pat and others who wanna get out of the city. Take your 4wd to the plantation office. Unload and ride. It's 80% hills riding in, but imagine the ride down.

And, there's a river (Sg Liang of course)behind the plantation office to was up your bike when you're done.

Drive to trailhead is about 2hrs. 90km out of kl.

-- (, July 10, 2003.

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