GTO manga scans^^ : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Does anyone know where I can find gto manga scans?! thanx for your help!~
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2003
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2003
Thanxx for the site!~ (I had it already) SO does anyone know of any other GTO site where i can get the scans?
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2003
since itīs licensed, there are just a few scans of it... i had until vol 9, but got it in direct connect (and just by luck) and... there are not other scans of GTO than the ones you got... not http
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
hmm, you can find them using Emule, P2P program, it has tons of other mangas, otherwise you can find in in the MIRC program. in some channels, servers still have the manga.
-- Anonymous, July 19, 2003