Inuyasha In Full English (No Subtitles!!!) : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I am a HUGE IY FAN! I have searched as many places as I could such as Inuyashazone, All the P2P file shareing Programs, and Gruntilla networks, But could not find the full English Inuyasha Episodes like you see on Adult Swim. Does anyone Know where to find Inuyasha Episodes that are English Dubbed without any subtitles? Plese respond asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2003


Ok. First, you can wait for DVDs to come out that let you chose language and toggle subtitles.

Now the main point. DON'T BOTHER. Dubbing companies have like 10 voice actors that they pass around and they barely change their voices. I've heard IY's voice before several times. ex. Bit Cloud(Zoids) Japanese voices are better.

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003

the episodes that you see on adult swim english can be found in the rockaway mall. the book store is the best inuyasha place 8.95 per comick book and 21.00 per english dvd. the best part is instead of subtitles you can change the language either japenese or english. i hope you read this

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003

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