Kenshin Episode : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Can anyone help me? i couldnt see yestardays (July 12th) episode of Kenshin. please help. thanx
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
That Saitou guy the guy who had no eyes fought and Senshin and Sano went ahead( Sano picked up Yumi and she says " put me down the only one who can touch me is Lord Shishio" very funny) and the fighting began and Saitou killed his opponent and Kenshin stops at a door and it shows Aoshi sitting in there so they probably fight in the next episode. Well thats it.
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
Exactly...and also the 3 ppl from the 10 swords are at the Oniwaban (SP?) place, and kaoru, yahiko, and all the rest were just starting to fight them!!! woo hoo!! kaoru needs some action..and so do misoa and yahiko!!!! :-P -Teryn
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
hey, thanx for the help. i really hate it when i miss a kenshin episode. thanx again. lata
-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003