Only 13 episodes of Gravitation? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hi, I was wondering, are there more than just the 13 episodes of Gravitation (plus the 2 OAV episodes)? Because that seemed like an awfully wrong place to end the series.Thanks for any info!
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
Thats all there is oh and the manga.
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
Are you serious?! damn! *sigh* ok, onto another amine...
-- Anonymous, July 16, 2003
Yeah... that was kind of a weird place to end it, but uh... yeah. If you watch through the ending theme of that last ep, you get some more episode type things just to tie things up a bit more I guess^_^;; I still love gravi even if it *does* end in an odd spot!! ::huggles Shuuichi and makes a shirt that says "I Love Bad Luck":: ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003