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Does anyone know where I can download the opening to the anime TEXHNOLYZE? The song is called Tsuki no Uta and it's by Gackt. I'd really appreciate any help. ^_^ Thanx

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003


uuuummmm....i believe the opening to texhnolyze is called guardian angel (xavier's edit) by juno reactor and not what you mentioned. i haven't checked where to download it, but kazaa probably might have it.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003

Gackt-sama did the ending theme. It's quite lovely. You can purchase the single from http://www.cdjapan.co.jp for about 10 dollars. I'm not sure on the actually price at the moment. Hoshi no Suna (the b-side) is also wonderful. Very good Gackt music. I totally suggest buying it. You won't be disappointed one bit. I preordered mine about two weeks in advance, I think...

However, http://www.gkcombi.com might have it up for download still. I'm not sure.

Rei 0 - big Gackt fan.

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003

oops, okay ending, ending! I'm just confused..... but thanks for the help

-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003

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